Friday, 16 August 2013

Chained Exuberence

An old one. Though I found this time to be an appropriate one to publish this.

It has been a long time—into the 64th year,
Days spent for rejuvenation or days passed in fear?

Freedom was earned, for pride and laurels…
Not for people to tremble, on the stroke of gun barrels!

This nation has seen it all, everything that a country must,
From 2nd April’s glory to 16th December’s disgust!

The largest democracy and the largest agricultural producing nation,
But only for being arrested for your ‘freedom of speech’, and for a farmer’s self-annihilation.

The impeccable military strength—Agnee, Sagarika and Dhanush,
Only for a sister’s 21 year longing, and 4 years of feast for the mastermind of the nation’s biggest ambush!

‘Z- Class ’of course, after all, they are the leaders of the country…
But nothing to counter ‘the sword of death’ hanging over the ‘only’ leader of ‘Aam Aadmi’!

The Longewala heroics and the Kargil glories…
Were surely not for the death of our brothers from the east, and terror ‘courtesy’ some fake SMS stories.

Back are the feathers of wealth and luxury—The Golden Bird, as they said…
Only at the cost of half the population starving for a piece of bread!

Five star luncheons or dinners, just a matter of choice,
Where a majority thinks twice before buying a kilogram of rice.

Administrative officers, surely helping for the achievement of the ultimate goal…
At the cost of a few equally deserving ones still hanging around on a subordinate post.

Mc Donald’s or Dominos, just a matter of their mood,
Where a stressed disheartened man struggles to give his family another day’s food!

The LOC warriors would silently drop a tear—for bloodshed on their own land…
Because God dwells inside us, not in a temple or a mosque.

Our walls unbreakable-our ‘Men’ strong and alert…
But nothing to defend the Damini’s, the ones who give them birth!

Day after day, year after year…
We have had our days as well as faced our fears!

From ‘hate-speeches’ to ‘dented and painted women’.

From a be-headed son to an assaulted daughter.

From KKR’s glory to Kingfisher’s doom.

From Very Very Special retirement to the last brick in the ‘Wall’.

From the dawning of an ‘Aam Aadmi Party’ to the end of an ‘Aila’.

From Yash Chopra’s never ending romance to Jaspal Bhatti’s stomach-aching humor.

From Rajesh Khanna’s immortal glamour to Dara Singh’s unquestionable might!

For the past one year this nation has seen it all.

Enough scars and enough wounds, but not enough to keep her down!
For greatness lies within which cannot be tampered by a few hundred frowns!

Greatness when a ‘to- be billionaire’ chooses to be a ‘donor’ rather than an ‘owner’!

Greatness when a 75 year ‘young’ man fights for the needs of another common man!

Greatness when a father teaches his son to pray and not to avenge!

Greatness when the ‘world’s best batsman’ steps down, humbly, only with the dream—2015!

And greatness when a foreign-returned son hugs his mother and falls down to her feet

Difficulties may be endless, conditions may be daunting,
But it’s the will and determination of Indians that is worth counting!

For a thousand traditions, a million cultures and a trillion beliefs—all under one roof,
Are not often found not even in a spoof.

Even in circumstances threatening, we ‘the people’ need to stick around…
Because an Eden like this one, if lost, cannot be found.

That is the best way to celebrate this day—Happy Republic Day!!