The Session
We meet to part and part to meet,
But parting is even more painful, when you have a million memories to keep!
Three hours to live, three hours to believe,
That the power lies within us—to stand, speak and achieve!
Shaking legs and stammering words, the obvious stage fright,
To cool down nerves and inculcate verves, in came—‘Breaking the ice’!
With the shackles being broken and pale faces turning bright,
The stage is now set for an extempore, time to test your one minute might!
Spontaneity at its best, unexpectedness on the cards,
For that one minute could comprise of anything, right here from earth to mars!
With the sixty second jitters comfortably digested,
That drug called a debate was slowly injected!
Arguments, rebuttals and heated discussions,
Immaterial, of course, yet one’s most prized possessions!
An arsenal of thoughts in a war of words,
But unlike others, this war’s a boon and not a curse!
With the flurry of words coming in with each passing second of the session,
It’s now time to control the emotions and gear up for a group discussion.
Opinions, facts, questions and information-- to give and to seek,
Time to hash out an issue and get the corporate feel!
Enough of discussions now, time to make a mess,
Call in the celebrities; it’s time to ‘Meet the Press’!
Accusations, clarifications- picking apart a leader,
The best display of diplomatic skills, sometimes with an extra dose of humor!
A three hour saga, a mutual learning process,
With ample knowledge, so easy to access!
For each one of us, Saturdays were no less than a miracle,
Coz amongst other ordinary endeavors, we had this thing called- Kronicle!
The People
The journey, as exciting as it sounds, is no small responsibility,
For the guide has to carry it forward with utmost respect and dignity!
Two years back, there was this guy with a mesmerizing attitude,
Black shades and rough jeans, but with overwhelming sense of gratitude!
The guy who would play the road in style with two principles of his life’s panorama,
One, to correct-your-option, and two, to dance on the rhythm of Hosaanaa!
Then there was a man, with charm and charisma,
Who stood out with his voice, the reason behind all this—still an enigma!
An extremely lazy person, but equally humble—an out-of-the-box thinker,
The first senior with whom I thought I had a connection-- he was our ‘Hood-winker’!
Next I will come to a human being, simple, humble and responsible,
Someone who strictly sticks to his work, at the same timekeeping his heart very charitable!
When handed over a responsibility, he would always deliver with class,
With a black Activa and Close-Up teeth, he is our ‘Smiling Das’!
Now let us talk about a dude, oh, I beg your pardon, a ‘T-Dude’,
With innumerable friends, women and men, a guy with a permanent jolly mood!
The bass guitarist, the formidable speaker, the best senior,the T- friend,
He’s our favorite Basu, with lame jokes, but they can still make you laugh within a second!
The last part, the show-down, which is always the best,
So we come down to the one who believes in having an ‘obsession’ instead of an interest!
Conquering pain and pleasure with eloquent speeches seems to be his life’s mantra,
The debating idol, the quizzing genius, the composing specialist, he’s our one and perhaps the only ‘Panda’!
The Hall of Fame
“For men may come and men may go, but I go on forever.”
Like the brook, this journey is equivalent to a rampaging river!
They came, they taught, they inspired, they touched and then left,
Now it’s upon us to do the hard work, to maintain the legacy, a promise that has to be kept!
They made us, who we are, travelled with us for a mile,
Now, we need to step up and make sure that the remaining Saturdays of our lives are worth remembering!
This was a short picture, a small little dedication to an everlasting saga,
To the hall of fame containing the likes of Soumyajit ‘Attitude’ Paul and Saurav ‘Hoodwinker’ Pathak…
In come Satya Shiva ‘Simplicity’ Das and Dushyant ‘The Conqueror’ Panda!!
Thank you everyone!

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